After traveling the back country roads of southwest Missouri for many years in a career in home health, I am now pursuing interests in hobby photography, writing, and tutoring.
Photography has changed my perspective on light, color, and patterns. I have discovered a new appreciation for patterns in nature, the infinite shades of color, and the minuscule variations of light throughout the day.
Creative writing is enabling me to heal from difficult and challenging circumstances in my life. I am enamored with the combination of photography and creative writing. My writing often covers a new insight for me I have learned from nature, but it also highlights my spiritual faith in God.
Reading has been a favorite passion of mine since I was a child. As a volunteer reading tutor, I am now able to share with the children the wonders of discovering unknown worlds. I am learning that a child’s progress in learning to read is closely aligned with finding topics that are engaging, fun, and unique to each child.
On January 23, 2023, I published a children’s picture book entitled “Zip: An Eastern Chipmunk”. It is the culmination of my photography and writing but is also an activity in healing from grief.